Generation Three: Chapter One

The first time I saw my mother cry, I was about nine.

An official-looking man came to the door just as I was pulling out my homework. He had an envelope in his hand. Mom knew exactly what it meant, and he didn’t have to say anything.

As soon as the door closed behind her, she broke down in tears.

I didn’t understand anything at the time. She had been the epitome of strength, rock solid. Even though Dad was gone a lot of the time, she remained strong and firm, resolute. But this… My world shattered.

Spectra had always been a source of great stress for Mom, and even had stresses herself. I took it upon myself as the next oldest to take care of the rest, even Mom, especially when she began to show signs of being pregnant once again.

Then Spectra met her friend, Cosmos. He calmed her down, and the freak-outs she once had due to the people at school and her insecurities slowly stopped.

As I was still really young, it took a lot out on me. I had always been really quiet and calculating, so I took my observations to the easel we had downstairs and started painting. The frustrations I couldn’t let out on my siblings or tell my own mother came out through the brush, dissolved into the paint, and even though I wasn’t very good at painting it was exactly what I needed. I could always get better with practice and time.


Author’s Note:

Just an introduction to this gen, hence why it’s on the shorter side. The rest of the chapters will be longer, I promise.

  1. Awww, the worst news that anyone could have.

    glad Spectra did fine someone to understand her. Poor little Calypso though big burden for one so young

    • Berry
    • October 16th, 2011


  2. Ah man…. D: This is so, so sad. Gaaaaah, wwhhhyyyy…. T____T *hugs little Calypso close*

    She is super cute, btw…. but definitely seems on the strong side, compared to the rest of her family. I can already tell she’s going to be a wonderful gal to follow, though I’m so afraid of what you’re going to put her through, lol. XDD

    • Kaile *thats my username on*
    • October 28th, 2011


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